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Our History


   The salesian alumni and alumni associations began with a friendly gesture from some young people who had been educated at the Oratory of Valdoco (Turin) in 1870. A group came to visit Don Bosco on the day of his name (June 24 ). Each year more alumni returned for this reunion with the Father and the family of the Oratory. Years later, Fr. Rinaldi, the 3rd., the successor to Don Bosco, helped alumni to organize themselves into Associations. Today, there is the World Confederation of Alumni (a) Salesians, whose headquarters are in Rome.



   § 1 - Former students will promote activities at the service of the community, involving themselves with all those who willingly dedicate themselves to the work of awakening and supporting respect for the dignity of the human person and the family.

   § 2 - Former students of different religious denominations, who share Don Bosco's ideals, share the educational, cultural, spiritual, and social values ​​of the Preventive System, recognizing them as a common heritage of the human family.
   Alumni and alumni, considering the urgency of youth problems, will be operationally sensitive to the calls of education and to any and all cultural and training initiatives that interest young people, helping them to assume responsibilities at all levels.

Social Work

   1st ASCEP = Association of Exceptional Children of Goiânia - Every month we collected from 1,000 to 1,200 kg. non-perishable food and delivered to ASCEP (we still have donation receipts); when by judicial decision, Ascep started to be directed by the Vincentians, linked to Santa Casa de Goiânia. We then decided to create our own social work.


- The Association was registered with the Registry and CNPJ 00.787.450.0001-76. Judges Homero Sabino de Freitas and Sebastião Castro Filho, members of the Board of Directors in 1991, were responsible for drafting the Statutes, the first version.
- Through a project by Deputy Ozair José in the Legislative Assembly, our institution received the State Public Utility Law No. 15,467, of November 23, 2005.
- With the help of Dr. Fernando Cunha, secretary of Political Articulation at the time, we managed to regularize 688.24 m2 of land in the Aparecida City Hall for the exclusive use of the Association for the Construction of the Youth Center on Rua X 18, Quadra 30 A , Lote 02, Setor Residencial Santa Luzia, Aparecida de Goiânia. We started in February 2004 with the construction of the wall.

Further information can be obtained through the Association:

PHONE- +55 (62) 98344-0968, (62) 98270-0338, (62) 3275-9110


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