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Obs .: The pictures in which the children appear were blurred to protect them.

São Domingos Savio Youth Center

"God has put us in the world for the others"

St. John Bosco


An initiative of the Salesian Alumni Association

An example of overcoming


Doing our part

Construction of the Youth Center headquarters

The Youth Center operated in a rented house, with a dirt floor. In October 2010, with donations from a family, we made the foundation and columns to receive the 1st slab, in a lot also donated. Many contributed to the construction of our own headquarters, which consists of a 2-story building with a refectory, classrooms, playroom, library, computer room, patio for sports and games. After 10 years, there is still improvements to be made for good conditions of care for children and for employees. Our alternative is to ask for help from all benefactors, philanthropists, alumni and members of the Salesian Family.

Education for life

Our headquarters is located on the outskirts of the city of Aparecida, in the metropolitan region of Goiânia, surrounded by pockets of poverty. Dozens of underprivileged children visit the youth center every day, before or after school, where they receive free school support, food, entertainment, professional courses, sports, attention, affection and human values. So parents can work and take care of the family.

Our pedagogical project

Our pedagogical project is based on the preventive system of Saint John Bosco, founder of the Salesian congregation. The São Domingos Sávio Youth Center emerged from an initiative of the Salesian Alumni Association, in Goiânia. In addition to alumni, dozens of benefactors from different backgrounds and creeds help to maintain the project with private financial resources, bazaars and volunteering.

Obs .: The pictures in which the children appear were blurred to protect them.


"Our life is a gift from God. What we make of it is our gift to Him."

São João Bosco

Atividades lúdicas com as crianças.

Atividades lúdicas com as crianças.

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Rua X-18, SN - Quadra 30-A Lote 02 - Sítio Santa Luzia Residencial - CEP 74921-520 - Aparecida de Goiânia - GO

(62) 98344-0968 / (62) 98270-0338 / (62) 3275-9110

Obs .: The pictures in which the children appear were blurred to protect them.

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